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Wesley Upper Elementary Teacher’s Guide

$15.49 available on subscription

More advanced Bible studies and discussion questions, plus teacher devotionals, Bible background and extra-time options give you all the how-to’s you need to teach with confidence. Designed for churches of the holiness tradition. Order one per teacher. View the Wesley Scope & Sequence Features: Teacher Devotionals and Understanding the Bible sections help the teacher prepare…

SKU: WE3050


More advanced Bible studies and discussion questions, plus teacher devotionals, Bible background and extra-time options give you all the how-to’s you need to teach with confidence. Designed for churches of the holiness tradition.

Order one per teacher.

View the Wesley Scope & Sequence


Teacher Devotionals and Understanding the Bible sections help the teacher prepare for the class
When Teaching the Bible to Upper Elementary Students shares tips on preteen development
Easy four-step lesson:
Bible Readiness: an activity and sharing time to help preteens develop relationships and use their experiences to connect to the Bible study
Bible Study: includes the Bible Study and discussion questions and a Memory Verse Practice
Bible Activity Choices: three activities to help preteens explore what they have learned from the Bible story
Bible Response: application step to help preteens decide how they will take what they have learned into the week
Quarterly supply list
Ideas for early arrivers and when you have extra time
Link to Last Week section helps teachers discuss how students applied the lesson throughout the week and encourage them
Additional resources for Wesley Upper Elementary Sunday school lessons:

Creative Teaching Aids
Bible Adventures (Student Book)
PIX (Take-Home)
Distinctively Holiness In Name, Content, and Spirit

Wesley curriculum is the choice of growing Sunday schools that value the holiness doctrinal distinctives and the mission to evangelize and disciple generations for Christ!

Every teacher’s guide includes “Building Teacher”, a special insert that provides teachers with a variety of articles on classroom ideas, heroes of the faith, and FAQ’s of Wesleyan theology for children and teens.

Ensuring solid doctrinal curriculum is of utmost importance to us. That’s why we have established the Wesleyan Theological Editors Board that includes writers and editors from the Free Methodist, Church of the Nazarene, and The Wesleyan Church holiness denominations.

Additional information


