How does Sunday School quarterly subscriptions work?

Sunday School Direct® provides an ongoing “standing order” for each customer. Your order for each quarter is anticipated by your prior purchase history. If there are no changes in grade levels or quantities, you will automatically receive your new order in time for the next quarter. If, however, you require changes, simply notify us of that by two months prior to the start of the next quarter, and your order will be updated accordingly.

How do I notify you of changes?

You may notify us of your changes by phone or email. See our Contact Us page for more details.

What if I have changes after your deadline?

Sunday School Direct® really doesn’t have a “deadline”, but having your changes two months before the start of the next quarter makes it easier for us to ensure that you have the material you need in time. If you are unable to advise of changes by that time, we will still make every effort to effect the change as quickly as possible.

When will we receive our curriculum for the next quarter?

We attempt to have the curriculum in your hands at least one-two Sundays prior to the beginning of each new quarter. This is somewhat dependent on USPS, as well as having your quantity changes by the time we specify. If unusual circumstances would require, we can also ship by express methods to ensure you have the material on time. The quarterly publication schedule of all publishers is as follows:

  • Fall Quarter – September, October, November
  • Winter Quarter – December, January February
  • Spring Quarter – March, April, May
  • Summer Quarter – June, July, August

Can we include lesson commentaries, attendance books, etc., in our standing order?

Yes, lesson commentaries typically ship with the Fall quarter orders, and attendance books can be included in any quarter that you wish.

Can we return material that we don’t need?

Yes! We accept returns of any material purchased from us up until the end of the first month of each quarter. All material returned must, of course, be in new, unused condition, and returned at your expense. We will then issue a credit to your account or credit card.

How do we pay for the material?

We accept all major credit cards, money orders, or church checks. Also, if requested, we will extend your church credit on open account, with terms of net 30 days. Click here for credit application form.

Could I get the curriculum cheaper directly from a publisher?

No! Our prices are exactly the same as each publisher’s prices for direct orders, but you don’t have to get only one publisher’s products from us to qualify for those best prices.

How can you provide free shipping, when most of the publishers themselves won’t do that?

Providing Sunday school curriculum is the core of our ministry. We believe so strongly in the ministry of your Sunday school, that we forego a sizable part of our profit in order to provide that benefit to you when you are on our standing order program. (There is a minimum order of $30.00 per quarter required for the free shipping to apply. Note that outside the United States, we may have to charge you part of the shipping costs.)
